what() ====== Perhaps you are a beginner and do not known what ``IndexError`` and ``DeprecationWarning`` mean. Here's how **Friendly** can help you. .. code-block:: none [4]: what() An IndexError occurs when you try to get an item from a list, a tuple, or a similar object (sequence), and use an index which does not exist; typically, this happens because the index you give is greater than the length of the sequence. [5]: what(0) DeprecationWarning indicates that some feature will not be available in a future version. At any time, you can change the language used and **Friendly** will try to provide some help in that language provided a translation exists:: [6]: set_lang('fr') [7]: what() Une exception IndexError se produit lorsque vous essayez d’obtenir un élément d'une liste, d'un tuple, ou d'un objet similaire (séquence), à l’aide d’un indice qui n’existe pas; typiquement, c’est parce que l’indice que vous donnez est plus grand que la longueur de la séquence. [8]: set_lang('en')