.. note:: This documentation covers two related projects: ``friendly`` and ``friendly-traceback``. You likely need to install and use ``friendly``. Differences between friendly and friendly_traceback =================================================== **friendly_traceback** is the program that does all the required work to analyze a traceback and present the information in an helpful way. **Friendly** takes the output of **friendly_traceback** and formats it for specific environments, **usually** adding colour to the output. If you use one of: - A terminal, ideally with colour support - Python's IDLE - Mu - IPython - Jupyter Notebooks and Jupyter Lab - Visual Studio Code - Google Colab notebooks - etc. you will want to install and use **Friendly**. Note that **Friendly** has quite a few additional dependencies compared with **friendly_traceback**. If you design your own programming environment, such as is done on `HackInScience `_ or `futurecoder `_ then you likely only need to install **friendly_traceback**.