Most of the documentation was written prior to version 0.5 and needs to be updated. This work has now started for version 0.7 and we aim to have it completed before version 0.8 is available.
Friendly tracebacks - in English¶
Friendly aims to provide friendlier feedback when an exception is raised than what is done by Python. Below, we can find some examples. SyntaxError cases, as well as TabError and IndentationError cases, are shown in a separate page. Not all cases handled by friendly are included here.
The content of this page is generated by running
trb_english.py located in the tests/
This needs to be done explicitly, independently of updating the
documentation using Sphinx.
Friendly-traceback version: 0.7.53 Python version: 3.6.8
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_arithmetic_error.py", line 9, in test_Generic
raise ArithmeticError('error')
ArithmeticError: error
`ArithmeticError` is the base class for those built-in exceptions
that are raised for various arithmetic errors.
Exception raised on line `9` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_arithmetic_error.py'.
4| def test_Generic():
5| try:
6| # I am not aware of any way in which this error is raised directly
7| # Usually, a subclass such as ZeroDivisionError, etc., would
8| # likely be raised.
--> 9| raise ArithmeticError('error')
10| except ArithmeticError as e:
ArithmeticError: <class ArithmeticError>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_assertion_error.py", line 8, in test_Generic
raise AssertionError("Fake message")
AssertionError: Fake message
In Python, the keyword `assert` is used in statements of the form
`assert condition`, to confirm that `condition` is not `False`,
nor equivalent to `False` such as an empty list, etc.
If `condition` is `False` or equivalent, an `AssertionError` is raised.
Exception raised on line `8` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_assertion_error.py'.
4| def test_Generic():
5| try:
6| # We raise it explicitly, rather than with the keyword assert, since
7| # we don't want pytest to rewrite out test.
-->8| raise AssertionError("Fake message")
9| except AssertionError as e:
AssertionError: <class AssertionError>
Attribute from other module¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 336, in test_Attribute_from_other_module
AttributeError: module 'keyword' has no attribute 'pi'
Did you mean one of the following modules: `math, cmath`?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
Instead of the module `keyword`, perhaps you wanted to use
the attribute `pi` of one of the following modules:
`math, cmath`.
Exception raised on line `336` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
332| assert "Did you mean `math`?" in result
334| import cmath
335| try:
-->336| keyword.pi
337| except AttributeError as e:
keyword: <module keyword> from PYTHON_LIB:\keyword.py
Builtin function¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 229, in test_Builtin_function
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'text'
Did you mean `len(text)`?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
`len` is a function. Perhaps you meant to write
Exception raised on line `229` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
226| def test_Builtin_function():
227| text = 'Hello world!'
228| try:
-->229| len.text
230| except AttributeError as e:
text: 'Hello world!'
len: <builtin function len>
Builtin module with no file¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 247, in test_Builtin_module_with_no_file
AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'foo'
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
Python tells us that no object with name `foo` is
found in module `sys`.
Exception raised on line `247` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
243| """Issue 116"""
244| import sys
246| try:
-->247| sys.foo
248| except AttributeError as e:
sys: <module sys (builtin)>
Circular import¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 368, in test_Circular_import
import my_turtle1
File "TESTS:\my_turtle1.py", line 4, in <module>
a = my_turtle1.something
AttributeError: module 'my_turtle1' has no attribute 'something'
Did you give your program the same name as a Python module?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
This should not happen:
Python tells us that module `my_turtle1` does not have an attribute named `something`.
However, it does not appear that module `my_turtle1` was imported.
I suspect that you used the name `my_turtle1.py` for your program
and that you also wanted to import a module with the same name
from Python's standard library.
If so, you should use a different name for your program.
Execution stopped on line `368` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
365| from friendly_traceback.runtime_errors import stdlib_modules
366| stdlib_modules.names.add("my_turtle1")
367| try:
-->368| import my_turtle1
369| except AttributeError as e:
Exception raised on line `4` of file 'TESTS:\my_turtle1.py'.
1| """To test attribute error of partially initialized module."""
2| import my_turtle1
-->4| a = my_turtle1.something
my_turtle1: <module my_turtle1> from TESTS:\my_turtle1.py
Circular import b¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 386, in test_Circular_import_b
import circular_c
File "TESTS:\circular_c.py", line 4, in <module>
a = circular_c.something
AttributeError: module 'circular_c' has no attribute 'something'
You likely have a circular import.
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
You likely have a circular import.
This can occur if, during the execution of the code in module `circular_c`
an attempt is made to import the same module again.
Execution stopped on line `386` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
384| def test_Circular_import_b():
385| try:
-->386| import circular_c
387| except AttributeError as e:
Exception raised on line `4` of file 'TESTS:\circular_c.py'.
1| # Attribute error for partially initialize module
2| import circular_c
-->4| a = circular_c.something
circular_c: <module circular_c> from TESTS:\circular_c.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 26, in test_Generic
A.x # testing type
AttributeError: type object 'A' has no attribute 'x'
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
The object `A` has no attribute named `x`.
Exception raised on line `26` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
22| class A:
23| pass
25| try:
-->26| A.x # testing type
27| except AttributeError as e:
A: <class A> defined in <function test_attribute_error.test_Generic>
Generic different frame¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 50, in test_Generic_different_frame
AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute 'attr'
Did you mean `attr2`?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
The object `a` has no attribute named `attr`.
Perhaps you meant to write `a.attr2` instead of `a.attr`
Exception raised on line `50` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
46| return A()
48| a = f()
49| try:
-->50| a.attr
51| except AttributeError as e:
a: <A object>
defined in <function test_attribute_error.test_Generic_different_frame.<locals>.f>
Generic instance¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 69, in test_Generic_instance
AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute 'x'
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
The object `a` has no attribute named `x`.
Exception raised on line `69` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
66| pass
67| a = A()
68| try:
-->69| a.x
70| except AttributeError as e:
a: <A object>
defined in <function test_attribute_error.test_Generic_instance>
Module attribute typo¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 150, in test_Module_attribute_typo
AttributeError: module 'math' has no attribute 'cost'
Did you mean `cos`?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
Instead of writing `math.cost`, perhaps you meant to write one of
the following names which are attributes of module `math`:
`cos, cosh`
Exception raised on line `150` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
145| assert "Did you mean `ascii_lowercase`" in result
147| import math
149| try:
-->150| math.cost
151| except AttributeError as e:
math: <module math (builtin)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 191, in test_Nonetype
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'b'
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
You are attempting to access the attribute `b`
for a variable whose value is `None`.
Exception raised on line `191` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
188| def test_Nonetype():
189| a = None
190| try:
-->191| a.b
192| except AttributeError as e:
a: None
Object attribute typo¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 86, in test_Object_attribute_typo
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'appendh'
Did you mean `append`?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
The object `a` has no attribute named `appendh`.
Perhaps you meant to write `a.append` instead of `a.appendh`
Exception raised on line `86` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
82| def test_Object_attribute_typo():
83| #
84| try:
85| a = [1, 2, 3]
-->86| a.appendh(4)
87| except AttributeError as e:
a: [1, 2, 3]
Perhaps comma¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 212, in test_Perhaps_comma
a = [abcd
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'defg'
Did you mean to separate object names by a comma?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
`defg` is not an attribute of `abcd`.
However, both `abcd` and `defg` are known objects.
Perhaps you wrote a period to separate these two objects,
instead of using a comma.
Exception raised on line `212` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
208| defg = "world"
210| # fmt: off
211| try:
-->212| a = [abcd
213| .defg]
214| # fmt: on
abcd: 'hello'
defg: 'world'
Read only¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 289, in test_Read_only
f.b = 1
AttributeError: 'F' object attribute 'b' is read-only
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
Object `f` uses `__slots__` to specify which attributes can
be changed. The value of attribute `f.b` cannot be changed.
The only attribute of `f` whose value can be changed is`a`.
Exception raised on line `289` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
285| b = 2
287| f = F()
288| try:
-->289| f.b = 1
290| except AttributeError as e:
f: <F object>
defined in <function test_attribute_error.test_Read_only>
f.b: 2
Shadow stdlib module¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 172, in test_Shadow_stdlib_module
AttributeError: module 'turtle' has no attribute 'Pen'
Did you give your program the same name as a Python module?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
You imported a module named `turtle` from `TESTS:\turtle.py`.
There is also a module named `turtle` in Python's standard library.
Perhaps you need to rename your module.
Exception raised on line `172` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
168| def test_Shadow_stdlib_module():
169| import turtle
171| try:
-->172| turtle.Pen
173| except AttributeError as e:
turtle: <module turtle> from TESTS:\turtle.py
Tuple by accident¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 305, in test_Tuple_by_accident
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'upper'
Did you write a comma by mistake?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
`something` is a tuple that contains a single item
which does have `'upper'` as an attribute.
Perhaps you added a trailing comma by mistake at the end of the line
where you defined `something`.
Exception raised on line `305` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
302| def test_Tuple_by_accident():
303| something = "abc", # note trailing comma
304| try:
-->305| something.upper()
306| except AttributeError as e:
something: ('abc',)
Use builtin¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 103, in test_Use_builtin
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'length'
Did you mean `len(a)`?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
The object `a` has no attribute named `length`.
Perhaps you can use the Python builtin function `len` instead:
Exception raised on line `103` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
99| def test_Use_builtin():
100| #
101| try:
102| a = [1, 2, 3]
-->103| a.length()
104| except AttributeError as e:
a: [1, 2, 3]
Use join with str¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 351, in test_Use_join_with_str
a = ['a', '2'].join('abc') + ['b', '3'].join('\n')
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'join'
Did you mean `'abc'.join(['a', '2'])`?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
The object `['a', '2']` has no attribute named `join`.
Perhaps you wanted something like `'abc'.join(['a', '2'])`.
Exception raised on line `351` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
349| def test_Use_join_with_str():
350| try:
-->351| a = ['a', '2'].join('abc') + ['b', '3'].join('\n')
352| except AttributeError as e:
Use synonym¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 120, in test_Use_synonym
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'add'
Did you mean `append`?
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
The object `a` has no attribute named `add`.
However, `a` has the following attributes with similar meanings:
`append, extend, insert`.
Exception raised on line `120` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
116| def test_Use_synonym():
117| #
118| try:
119| a = [1, 2, 3]
-->120| a.add(4)
121| except AttributeError as e:
a: [1, 2, 3]
Using slots¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py", line 268, in test_Using_slots
f.b = 1
AttributeError: 'F' object has no attribute 'b'
An `AttributeError` occurs when the code contains something like
and `x` is not a method or attribute (variable) belonging to `object`.
The object `f` has no attribute named `b`.
Note that object `f` uses `__slots__` which prevents
the creation of new attributes.
The following are some of its known attributes:
Exception raised on line `268` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_attribute_error.py'.
264| __slots__ = ["a"]
266| f = F()
267| try:
-->268| f.b = 1
269| except AttributeError as e:
f: <F object>
defined in <function test_attribute_error.test_Using_slots>
Directory not found¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_file_not_found_error.py", line 73, in test_Directory_not_found
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'does_not_exist/file.txt'
A `FileNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to open a file that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the file.
In your program, the name of the
file that cannot be found is `file.txt`.
is not a valid directory.
Exception raised on line `73` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_file_not_found_error.py'.
71| def test_Directory_not_found():
72| try:
-->73| open("does_not_exist/file.txt")
74| except FileNotFoundError as e:
open: <builtin function open>
Filename not found¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_file_not_found_error.py", line 7, in test_Filename_not_found
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'does_not_exist'
A `FileNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to open a file that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the file.
In your program, the name of the
file that cannot be found is `does_not_exist`.
It was expected to be found in the
`C:\Users\Andre\github\friendly-traceback\tests` directory.
I have no additional information for you.
Exception raised on line `7` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_file_not_found_error.py'.
5| def test_Filename_not_found():
6| try:
-->7| open("does_not_exist")
8| except FileNotFoundError as e:
open: <builtin function open>
Filename not found 2¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_file_not_found_error.py", line 31, in test_Filename_not_found_2
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'setupp.py'
Did you mean `setup.py`?
A `FileNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to open a file that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the file.
In your program, the name of the
file that cannot be found is `setupp.py`.
It was expected to be found in the
`C:\Users\Andre\github\friendly-traceback` directory.
The file `setup.py` has a similar name.
Exception raised on line `31` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_file_not_found_error.py'.
27| if chdir:
28| os.chdir("..")
30| try:
-->31| open("setupp.py")
32| except FileNotFoundError as e:
open: <builtin function open>
Filename not found 3¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_file_not_found_error.py", line 54, in test_Filename_not_found_3
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'setup.pyg'
Did you mean `setup.py`?
A `FileNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to open a file that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the file.
In your program, the name of the
file that cannot be found is `setup.pyg`.
It was expected to be found in the
`C:\Users\Andre\github\friendly-traceback` directory.
Perhaps you meant one of the following files with similar names:
`setup.py`, `setup.cfg`
Exception raised on line `54` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_file_not_found_error.py'.
51| if chdir:
52| os.chdir("..")
53| try:
-->54| open("setup.pyg")
55| except FileNotFoundError as e:
open: <builtin function open>
Simple import error¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_import_error.py", line 56, in test_Simple_import_error
from math import Pi
ImportError: cannot import name 'Pi'
Did you mean `pi`?
An `ImportError` exception indicates that a certain object could not
be imported from a module or package. Most often, this is
because the name of the object is not spelled correctly.
Perhaps you meant to import `pi` (from `math`) instead of `Pi`
Exception raised on line `56` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_import_error.py'.
52| multiple_import_on_same_line()
53| wrong_case()
55| try:
-->56| from math import Pi
57| except ImportError as e:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_index_error.py", line 87, in test_Assignment
a[13] = 1
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
An `IndexError` occurs when you try to get an item from a list,
a tuple, or a similar object (sequence), and use an index which
does not exist; typically, this happens because the index you give
is greater than the length of the sequence.
You have tried to assign a value to index `13` of `a`,
a `list` of length `10`.
The valid index values of `a` are integers ranging from
`-10` to `9`.
Exception raised on line `87` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_index_error.py'.
83| assert "You have tried to assign a value to index `1` of `b`," in result
84| assert "a `list` which contains no item." in result
86| try:
-->87| a[13] = 1
88| except IndexError as e:
a: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_index_error.py", line 42, in test_Empty
c = a[1]
IndexError: list index out of range
`a` contains no item.
An `IndexError` occurs when you try to get an item from a list,
a tuple, or a similar object (sequence), and use an index which
does not exist; typically, this happens because the index you give
is greater than the length of the sequence.
You have tried to get the item with index `1` of `a`,
a `list` which contains no item.
Exception raised on line `42` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_index_error.py'.
39| def test_Empty():
40| a = []
41| try:
-->42| c = a[1]
43| except IndexError as e:
a: []
Long list¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_index_error.py", line 27, in test_Long_list
print(a[60], b[0])
IndexError: list index out of range
An `IndexError` occurs when you try to get an item from a list,
a tuple, or a similar object (sequence), and use an index which
does not exist; typically, this happens because the index you give
is greater than the length of the sequence.
You have tried to get the item with index `60` of `a`,
a `list` of length `40`.
The valid index values of `a` are integers ranging from
`-40` to `39`.
Exception raised on line `27` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_index_error.py'.
24| a = list(range(40))
25| b = tuple(range(50))
26| try:
-->27| print(a[60], b[0])
28| except IndexError as e:
a: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, ...]
len(a): 40
Short tuple¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_index_error.py", line 10, in test_Short_tuple
print(a[3], b[2])
IndexError: tuple index out of range
Remember: the first item of a `tuple` is not at index 1 but at index 0.
An `IndexError` occurs when you try to get an item from a list,
a tuple, or a similar object (sequence), and use an index which
does not exist; typically, this happens because the index you give
is greater than the length of the sequence.
You have tried to get the item with index `3` of `a`,
a `tuple` of length `3`.
The valid index values of `a` are integers ranging from
`-3` to `2`.
Exception raised on line `10` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_index_error.py'.
7| a = (1, 2, 3)
8| b = [1, 2, 3]
9| try:
-->10| print(a[3], b[2])
11| except IndexError as e:
a: (1, 2, 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PYTHON_LIB:\collections\__init__.py", line 948, in pop
return self.maps[0].pop(key, *args)
KeyError: 42
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py", line 65, in test_ChainMap
KeyError: 'Key not found in the first mapping: 42'
A `KeyError` is raised when a value is not found as a
key in a Python dict or in a similar object.
The key `42` cannot be found in `d`, an object of type `ChainMap`.
Exception raised on line `65` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py'.
62| from collections import ChainMap
63| d = ChainMap({}, {})
64| try:
-->65| d.pop(42)
66| except KeyError as e:
d: ChainMap({}, {})
d.pop: <bound method ChainMap.pop> of ChainMap({}, {})
Forgot to convert to string¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py", line 120, in test_Forgot_to_convert_to_string
KeyError: 2
Did you forget to convert `2` into a string?
A `KeyError` is raised when a value is not found as a
key in a Python dict or in a similar object.
The key `2` cannot be found in the dict `squares`.
`squares` contains a string key which is identical to `str(2)`.
Perhaps you forgot to convert the key into a string.
Exception raised on line `120` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py'.
117| def test_Forgot_to_convert_to_string():
118| squares = {"1": 1, "2": 4, "3": 9}
119| try:
-->120| print(squares[2])
121| except KeyError as e:
squares: {'1': 1, '2': 4, '3': 9}
Generic key error¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py", line 46, in test_Generic_key_error
KeyError: 'c'
A `KeyError` is raised when a value is not found as a
key in a Python dict or in a similar object.
The key `'c'` cannot be found in the dict `d`.
Exception raised on line `46` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py'.
43| def test_Generic_key_error():
44| d = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
45| try:
-->46| d["c"]
47| except KeyError as e:
d: {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
Popitem empty ChainMap¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PYTHON_LIB:\collections\__init__.py", line 941, in popitem
return self.maps[0].popitem()
KeyError: 'popitem(): dictionary is empty'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py", line 27, in test_Popitem_empty_ChainMap
KeyError: 'No keys found in the first mapping.'
`alpha` is an empty `ChainMap`.
A `KeyError` is raised when a value is not found as a
key in a Python dict or in a similar object.
You tried to retrieve an item from `alpha` which is an empty `ChainMap`.
Exception raised on line `27` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py'.
24| from collections import ChainMap
25| alpha = ChainMap({}, {})
26| try:
-->27| alpha.popitem()
28| except KeyError as e:
alpha: ChainMap({}, {})
alpha.popitem: <bound method ChainMap.popitem> of ChainMap({}, {})
Popitem empty dict¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py", line 8, in test_Popitem_empty_dict
KeyError: 'popitem(): dictionary is empty'
`d` is an empty `dict`.
A `KeyError` is raised when a value is not found as a
key in a Python dict or in a similar object.
You tried to retrieve an item from `d` which is an empty `dict`.
Exception raised on line `8` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py'.
5| def test_Popitem_empty_dict():
6| d = {}
7| try:
-->8| d.popitem()
9| except KeyError as e:
d: {}
d.popitem: <builtin method popitem of dict object>
Similar names¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py", line 151, in test_Similar_names
a = second["alpha"]
KeyError: 'alpha'
Did you mean `'alpha0'`?
A `KeyError` is raised when a value is not found as a
key in a Python dict or in a similar object.
The key `'alpha'` cannot be found in the dict `second`.
`second` has some keys similar to `'alpha'` including:
`'alpha0', 'alpha11', 'alpha12'`.
Exception raised on line `151` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py'.
147| assert ok, diff
149| second = {"alpha0": 1, "alpha11": 2, "alpha12": 3}
150| try:
-->151| a = second["alpha"]
152| except KeyError as e:
second: {'alpha0': 1, 'alpha11': 2, 'alpha12': 3}
String by mistake¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py", line 102, in test_String_by_mistake
d["(0, 0)"]
KeyError: '(0, 0)'
Did you convert `(0, 0)` into a string by mistake?
A `KeyError` is raised when a value is not found as a
key in a Python dict or in a similar object.
The key `'(0, 0)'` cannot be found in the dict `d`.
`'(0, 0)'` is a string.
There is a key of `d` whose string representation
is identical to `'(0, 0)'`.
Exception raised on line `102` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_key_error.py'.
98| chain_map_string_by_mistake() # do not show in docs
100| d = {(0, 0): "origin"}
101| try:
-->102| d["(0, 0)"]
103| except KeyError as e:
d: {(0, 0): 'origin'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_lookup_error.py", line 10, in test_Generic
raise LookupError("Fake message")
LookupError: Fake message
`LookupError` is the base class for the exceptions that are raised
when a key or index used on a mapping or sequence is invalid.
It can also be raised directly by codecs.lookup().
Exception raised on line `10` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_lookup_error.py'.
4| def test_Generic():
5| try:
6| # LookupError is the base class for KeyError and IndexError.
7| # It should normally not be raised by user code,
8| # other than possibly codecs.lookup(), which is why we raise
9| # it directly here for our example.
-->10| raise LookupError("Fake message")
11| except LookupError as e:
LookupError: <class LookupError>
Need to install module¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py", line 80, in test_Need_to_install_module
import alphabet
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'alphabet'
A `ModuleNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to import a module that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the module
or because it is not installed on your computer.
No module named `alphabet` can be imported.
Perhaps you need to install it.
Exception raised on line `80` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py'.
78| def test_Need_to_install_module():
79| try:
-->80| import alphabet
81| except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
Not a package¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py", line 23, in test_Not_a_package
import os.xxx
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'os.xxx'; 'os' is not a package
A `ModuleNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to import a module that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the module
or because it is not installed on your computer.
`xxx` cannot be imported from `os`.
Exception raised on line `23` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py'.
20| def test_Not_a_package():
22| try:
-->23| import os.xxx
24| except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
Not a package similar name¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py", line 37, in test_Not_a_package_similar_name
import os.pathh
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'os.pathh'; 'os' is not a package
Did you mean `import os.path`?
A `ModuleNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to import a module that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the module
or because it is not installed on your computer.
Perhaps you meant `import os.path`.
`path` is a name similar to `pathh` and is a module that
can be imported from `os`.
Exception raised on line `37` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py'.
35| def test_Not_a_package_similar_name():
36| try:
-->37| import os.pathh
38| except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
Object not module¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py", line 51, in test_Object_not_module
import os.open
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'os.open'; 'os' is not a package
Did you mean `from os import open`?
A `ModuleNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to import a module that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the module
or because it is not installed on your computer.
`open` is not a separate module but an object that is part of `os`.
Exception raised on line `51` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py'.
49| def test_Object_not_module():
50| try:
-->51| import os.open
52| except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
open: <builtin function open>
Similar object not module¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py", line 65, in test_Similar_object_not_module
import os.opend
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'os.opend'; 'os' is not a package
Did you mean `from os import open`?
A `ModuleNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to import a module that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the module
or because it is not installed on your computer.
Perhaps you meant `from os import open`.
`open` is a name similar to `opend` and is an object that
can be imported from `os`.
Other objects with similar names that are part of
`os` include `popen`.
Exception raised on line `65` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py'.
63| def test_Similar_object_not_module():
64| try:
-->65| import os.opend
66| except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
Standard library module¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py", line 7, in test_Standard_library_module
import Tkinter
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Tkinter'
Did you mean `tkinter`?
A `ModuleNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to import a module that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the module
or because it is not installed on your computer.
No module named `Tkinter` can be imported.
Perhaps you need to install it.
`tkinter` is an existing module that has a similar name.
Exception raised on line `7` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py'.
5| def test_Standard_library_module():
6| try:
-->7| import Tkinter
8| except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
no curses¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py", line 97, in test_no_curses
import curses
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_curses'
The curses module is rarely installed with Python on Windows.
A `ModuleNotFoundError` exception indicates that you
are trying to import a module that cannot be found by Python.
This could be because you misspelled the name of the module
or because it is not installed on your computer.
You have tried to import the curses module.
The curses module is rarely installed with Python on Windows.
Exception raised on line `97` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_module_not_found_error.py'.
95| def test_no_curses():
96| try:
-->97| import curses
98| except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
Annotated variable¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 31, in test_Annotated_variable
y = x
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
Did you use a colon instead of an equal sign?
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `x` exists.
A type hint found for `x` in the global scope.
Perhaps you had used a colon instead of an equal sign and wrote
x : 3
instead of
x = 3
Exception raised on line `31` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
29| def test_Annotated_variable():
30| try:
-->31| y = x
32| except NameError as e:
Custom name¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 234, in test_Custom_name
NameError: name 'python' is not defined
You are already using Python!
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
You are already using Python!
Exception raised on line `234` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
232| def test_Custom_name():
233| try:
-->234| python
235| except NameError as e:
Free variable referenced¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 217, in test_Free_variable_referenced
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 213, in outer
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 212, in inner
return var
NameError: free variable 'var' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, `var` is an unknown name
that exists in an enclosing scope,
but has not yet been assigned a value.
Execution stopped on line `217` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
213| inner()
214| var = 4
216| try:
-->217| outer()
218| except NameError as e:
outer: <function outer>
defined in <function test_Free_variable_referenced>
Exception raised on line `212` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
211| def inner():
-->212| return var
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 15, in test_Generic
this = something
NameError: name 'something' is not defined
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `something` exists.
I have no additional information for you.
Exception raised on line `15` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
13| def test_Generic():
14| try:
-->15| this = something
16| except NameError as e:
Missing import¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 138, in test_Missing_import
NameError: name 'unicodedata' is not defined
Did you forget to import `unicodedata`?
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
The name `unicodedata` is not defined in your program.
Perhaps you forgot to import `unicodedata` which is found
in Python's standard library.
Exception raised on line `138` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
134| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
135| assert "I have no additional information for you." in result
137| try:
-->138| unicodedata.something
139| except NameError as e:
Missing module name¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 320, in test_Missing_module_name
frame = Frame()
NameError: name 'Frame' is not defined
Did you forget to add `tkinter.`?
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `Frame` exists.
The global object `tkinter`
has an attribute named `Frame`.
Perhaps you should have written `tkinter.Frame`
instead of `Frame`.
`Frame` is a name found in the following modules:
tkinter, tracemalloc.
Perhaps you forgot to import `Frame` from one of these modules.
Exception raised on line `320` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
317| @pytest.mark.skipif(not tkinter, reason="tkinter not present; likely MacOS")
318| def test_Missing_module_name():
319| try:
-->320| frame = Frame()
321| except NameError as e:
Missing self 1¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 270, in test_Missing_self_1
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 261, in __str__
toys_list = add_toy( # ensure that it can see 'self' on following line
NameError: name 'add_toy' is not defined
Did you write `self` at the wrong place?
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `add_toy` exists.
The local object `<Pet object> defined in <function test_name_error.test_Missing_self_1>`
has an attribute named `add_toy`.
Perhaps you should have written `self.add_toy(...`
instead of `add_toy(self, ...`.
Execution stopped on line `270` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
266| return "{} has no toys".format(self.name)
268| a = Pet('Fido')
269| try:
-->270| str(a)
271| except NameError as e:
a: <Pet object>
defined in <function test_name_error.test_Missing_self_1>
str: <class str>
Exception raised on line `261` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
259| def __str__(self):
260| # self at the wrong place
-->261| toys_list = add_toy( # ensure that it can see 'self' on following line
262| self, 'something')
263| if self.toys:
Missing self 2¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 305, in test_Missing_self_2
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 297, in __str__
toys_list = add_toy('something')
NameError: name 'add_toy' is not defined
Did you forget to add `self.`?
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `add_toy` exists.
A local object, `<Pet object> defined in <function test_name_error.test_Missing_self_2>`,
has an attribute named `add_toy`.
Perhaps you should have written `self.add_toy`
instead of `add_toy`.
Execution stopped on line `305` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
301| return "{} has no toys".format(self.name)
303| a = Pet('Fido')
304| try:
-->305| str(a)
306| except NameError as e:
a: <Pet object>
defined in <function test_name_error.test_Missing_self_2>
str: <class str>
Exception raised on line `297` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
295| def __str__(self):
296| # Missing self.
-->297| toys_list = add_toy('something')
298| if self.toys:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 97, in test_Synonym
cost # wrote from math import * above
NameError: name 'cost' is not defined
Did you mean `cos`?
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `cost` exists.
Instead of writing `cost`, perhaps you meant one of the following:
* Global scope: `cos`, `cosh`
Exception raised on line `97` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
93| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
94| assert "The Python builtin `chr` has a similar name." in result
96| try:
-->97| cost # wrote from math import * above
98| except NameError as e:
missing import2¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 153, in test_missing_import2
NameError: name 'ABCMeta' is not defined
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `ABCMeta` exists.
`ABCMeta` is a name found in the following modules:
selectors, typing, abc, numbers.
Perhaps you forgot to import `ABCMeta` from one of these modules.
Exception raised on line `153` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
151| def test_missing_import2():
152| try:
-->153| ABCMeta
154| except NameError as e:
missing import3¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 168, in test_missing_import3
NameError: name 'AF_APPLETALK' is not defined
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `AF_APPLETALK` exists.
`AF_APPLETALK` is a name found in module `socket`.
Perhaps you forgot to write
from socket import AF_APPLETALK
Exception raised on line `168` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
166| def test_missing_import3():
167| try:
169| except NameError as e:
missing import from other 1¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 183, in test_missing_import_from_other_1
NameError: name 'plt' is not defined
Did you forget to import `matplotlib.pyplot`?
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
The name `plt` is not defined in your program.
Perhaps you forgot to write
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Exception raised on line `183` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
180| def test_missing_import_from_other_1():
181| friendly_traceback.add_other_module_names_synonyms({"plt": "matplotlib.pyplot"})
182| try:
-->183| plt.something
184| except NameError as e:
missing import from other 2¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 197, in test_missing_import_from_other_2
NameError: name 'show' is not defined
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
In your program, no object with the name `show` exists.
`show` is a name found in the following modules:
mailcap, matplotlib.pyplot, funny.
Perhaps you forgot to import `show` from one of these modules.
Exception raised on line `197` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
194| def test_missing_import_from_other_2():
195| friendly_traceback.add_other_attribute_names({"show": ["matplotlib.pyplot", "funny"] })
196| try:
-->197| show()
198| except NameError as e:
special keyword¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py", line 352, in test_special_keyword
NameError: name 'brek' is not defined
Did you mean `break`?
A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or
function name is not known to Python.
Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.
However, sometimes it is because the name is used
before being defined or given a value.
I suspect you meant to write the keyword `break` and made a typo.
Exception raised on line `352` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_name_error.py'.
349| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
350| assert "Did you mean `continue`" in result
351| try:
-->352| brek
353| except NameError as e:
Urllib error¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PYTHON_LIB:\urllib\request.py", line 1318, in do_open
... More lines not shown. ...
File "PYTHON_LIB:\socket.py", line 704, in create_connection
for res in getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, SOCK_STREAM):
File "PYTHON_LIB:\socket.py", line 745, in getaddrinfo
for res in _socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, type, proto, flags):
socket.gaierror: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_os_error.py", line 10, in test_Urllib_error
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed>
An exception of type `URLError` is a subclass of `OSError`.
Nothing more specific is known about `URLError`.
An `OSError` exception is usually raised by the Operating System
to indicate that an operation is not allowed or that
a resource is not available.
I suspect that you are trying to connect to a server and
that a connection cannot be made.
If that is the case, check for typos in the URL
and check your internet connectivity.
Exception raised on line `10` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_os_error.py'.
6| @pytest.mark.skipif(random.randint(0, 50) < 59, reason="very long test")
7| def test_Urllib_error():
8| from urllib import request, error
9| try:
-->10| request.urlopen("http://does_not_exist")
11| except error.URLError as e:
request: <module urllib.request> from PYTHON_LIB:\urllib\request.py
request.urlopen: <function urlopen>
invalid argument¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_os_error.py", line 50, in test_invalid_argument
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'c:\test.txt'
Perhaps you need to double the backslash characters.
An `OSError` exception is usually raised by the Operating System
to indicate that an operation is not allowed or that
a resource is not available.
I suspect that you wrote a filename or path that contains
at least one backslash character, `\`.
Python likely interpreted this as indicating the beginning of
what is known as an escape sequence.
To solve the problem, either write a so-called 'raw string'
by adding the letter `r` as a prefix in
front of the filename or path, or replace all single backslash
characters, `\`, by double ones: `\\`.
Exception raised on line `50` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_os_error.py'.
47| if os.name != "nt":
48| return "Windows test only", "No result"
49| try:
-->50| open("c:\test.txt")
51| except OSError as e:
open: <builtin function open>
no information¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_os_error.py", line 30, in test_no_information
raise OSError("Some unknown message")
OSError: Some unknown message
Friendly-traceback does not know the cause of this error.
An `OSError` exception is usually raised by the Operating System
to indicate that an operation is not allowed or that
a resource is not available.
No information is known about this exception.
Please report this example to
If you are using a REPL, use `www('bug')` to do so.
If you are using the Friendly console, use `www()` to
do an Internet search for this particular case.
Exception raised on line `30` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_os_error.py'.
27| old_debug = friendly_traceback.debug_helper.DEBUG
28| friendly_traceback.debug_helper.DEBUG = False
29| try:
-->30| raise OSError("Some unknown message")
31| except OSError as e:
OSError: <class OSError>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_overflow_error.py", line 6, in test_Generic
2.0 ** 1600
OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large')
An `OverflowError` is raised when the result of an arithmetic operation
is too large to be handled by the computer's processor.
Exception raised on line `6` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_overflow_error.py'.
4| def test_Generic():
5| try:
-->6| 2.0 ** 1600
7| except OverflowError as e:
Huge lenght¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_overflow_error.py", line 25, in test_Huge_lenght
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C ssize_t
An `OverflowError` is raised when the result of an arithmetic operation
is too large to be handled by the computer's processor.
Exception raised on line `25` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_overflow_error.py'.
22| def test_Huge_lenght():
23| huge = range(1<<10000)
24| try:
-->25| len(huge)
26| except OverflowError as e:
huge: range(0, ...)
len(huge): Object too large to be processed by Python.
len: <builtin function len>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_recursion_error.py", line 8, in test_Generic
... More lines not shown. ...
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_recursion_error.py", line 6, in a
return a()
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_recursion_error.py", line 6, in a
return a()
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
A `RecursionError` is raised when a function calls itself,
directly or indirectly, too many times.
It almost always indicates that you made an error in your code
and that your program would never stop.
Execution stopped on line `8` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_recursion_error.py'.
5| def a():
6| return a()
7| try:
-->8| a()
9| except RecursionError as e:
a: <function a> defined in <function test_Generic>
Exception raised on line `6` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_recursion_error.py'.
5| def a():
-->6| return a()
a: <function a> defined in <function test_Generic>
Argument of object is not iterable¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 843, in test_Argument_of_object_is_not_iterable
a in b
TypeError: argument of type 'object' is not iterable
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
An iterable is an object capable of returning its members one at a time.
Python containers (`list, tuple, dict`, etc.) are iterables.
'b' is not a container. A container is required here.
Exception raised on line `843` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
840| a = object()
841| b = object()
842| try:
-->843| a in b
844| except TypeError as e:
a: <object object>
b: <object object>
Bad type for unary operator¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 427, in test_Bad_type_for_unary_operator
a =+ "def"
TypeError: bad operand type for unary +: 'str'
Perhaps you meant to write `+=` instead of `=+`
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You tried to use the unary operator '+'
with the following type of object: a string (`str`).
This operation is not defined for this type of object.
Perhaps you meant to write `+=` instead of `=+`
Exception raised on line `427` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
422| assert "You tried to use the unary operator '~'" in result
424| try:
425| # fmt: off
426| a = "abc"
-->427| a =+ "def"
428| # fmt: on
Builtin has no len¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 901, in test_Builtin_has_no_len
len("Hello world".split)
TypeError: object of type 'builtin_function_or_method' has no len()
Did you forget to call `"Hello world".split`?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
I suspect that you forgot to add parentheses to call `"Hello world".split`.
You might have meant to write:
`len("Hello world".split())`
Exception raised on line `901` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
899| def test_Builtin_has_no_len():
900| try:
-->901| len("Hello world".split)
902| except TypeError as e:
len: <builtin function len>
"Hello world".split: <builtin method split of str object>
Can only concatenate¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 39, in test_Can_only_concatenate
result = a_tuple + a_list
TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "list") to tuple
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You tried to concatenate (add) two different types of objects:
a `tuple` and a `list`.
Exception raised on line `39` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
36| try:
37| a_tuple = (1, 2, 3)
38| a_list = [1, 2, 3]
-->39| result = a_tuple + a_list
40| except TypeError as e:
a_list: [1, 2, 3]
a_tuple: (1, 2, 3)
Cannot convert dictionary update sequence¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 886, in test_Cannot_convert_dictionary_update_sequence
dd.update([1, 2, 3])
TypeError: cannot convert dictionary update sequence element #0 to a sequence
Perhaps you need to use the `dict.fromkeys()` method.
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
`dict.update()` does not accept a sequence as an argument.
Instead of writing `dd.update([1, 2, 3])`
perhaps you should use the `dict.fromkeys()` method: `dd.update( dict.fromkeys([1, 2, 3]) )`.
Exception raised on line `886` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
882| assert "you should use the `dict.fromkeys()`" in result
884| dd = {"a": "a"}
885| try:
-->886| dd.update([1, 2, 3])
887| except TypeError as e:
dd: {'a': 'a'}
dd.update: <builtin method update of dict object>
Cannot multiply by non int¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 652, in test_Cannot_multiply_by_non_int
"a" * "2"
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'
Did you forget to convert `"2"` into an integer?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You can only multiply sequences, such as list, tuples,
strings, etc., by integers.
Perhaps you forgot to convert `"2"` into an integer.
Exception raised on line `652` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
648| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
649| assert "Did you forget to convert `c` into an integer?" in result
651| try:
-->652| "a" * "2"
653| except TypeError as e:
Cannot unpack non iterable object¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 857, in test_Cannot_unpack_non_iterable_object
a, b = 42.0
TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
An iterable is an object capable of returning its members one at a time.
Python containers (`list, tuple, dict`, etc.) are iterables.
An iterable is required here.
Exception raised on line `857` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
855| def test_Cannot_unpack_non_iterable_object():
856| try:
-->857| a, b = 42.0
858| except TypeError as e:
Cant mod complex numbers¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 54, in test_Cant_mod_complex_numbers
3 + 3j % 2
TypeError: can't mod complex numbers.
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You cannot use complex numbers with the modulo operator `%`.
Exception raised on line `54` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
52| def test_Cant_mod_complex_numbers():
53| try:
-->54| 3 + 3j % 2
55| except TypeError as e:
Comparison not supported¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 375, in test_Comparison_not_supported
b >= a
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'
Did you forget to convert the string `a` into an integer (`int`)?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You tried to do an order comparison (>=)
between two incompatible types of objects:
an integer (`int`) and a string (`str`).
Perhaps you forgot to convert the string `a` into an integer (`int`).
Exception raised on line `375` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
372| try:
373| a = "2"
374| b = 42
-->375| b >= a
376| except TypeError as e:
a: '2'
b: 42
Derive from BaseException¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 594, in test_Derive_from_BaseException
raise "exception" # noqa
TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
Exceptions must be derived from `BaseException`.
It is recommended that user-defined exceptions derive from
`Exception`, a subclass of `BaseException`.
Exception raised on line `594` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
590| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
591| assert "you must only have classes that derive from `BaseException`" in result
593| try:
-->594| raise "exception" # noqa
595| except TypeError as e:
Generator has no len¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 1063, in test_Generator_has_no_len
for letter in "word")
TypeError: object of type 'generator' has no len()
You likely need to build a list first.
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
I am guessing that you were trying to count the number of elements
produced by a generator expression. You first need to capture them
in a list:
len([letter for letter in "word"])
Exception raised on line `1063` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
1060| def test_Generator_has_no_len():
1061| try:
1062| nb = len(letter
-->1063| for letter in "word")
1064| except TypeError as e:
len: <builtin function len>
Indices must be integers or slices¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 736, in test_Indices_must_be_integers_or_slices
[1, 2, 3]["2"]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Did you forget to convert `"2"` into an integer?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
In the expression `[1, 2, 3]["2"]`
what is included between the square brackets, `[...]`,
must be either an integer or a slice
(`start:stop` or `start:stop:step`)
and you have used a string (`str`) instead.
Perhaps you forgot to convert `"2"` into an integer.
Exception raised on line `736` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
732| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
733| assert "Perhaps you forgot to convert `2.0` into an integer." in result
735| try:
-->736| [1, 2, 3]["2"]
737| except TypeError as e:
Not an integer¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 698, in test_Not_an_integer
range(c, d)
TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
Did you forget to convert `c, d` into integers?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You wrote an object of type `str` where an integer was expected.
Perhaps you forgot to convert `c, d` into integers.
Exception raised on line `698` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
694| assert "Perhaps you forgot to convert `1.0" in result
696| c, d = "2", "3"
697| try:
-->698| range(c, d)
699| except TypeError as e:
c: '2'
d: '3'
range: <class range>
Not callable¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 561, in test_Not_callable
_ = [1, 2](a + b)
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
Did you mean `[1, 2][a + b]`?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
Because of the surrounding parenthesis, `(a + b)`
is interpreted by Python as indicating a function call for
`[1, 2]`, which is an object of type `list`
which cannot be called.
However, `[1, 2]` is a sequence.
Perhaps you meant to use `[]` instead of `()` and write
`[1, 2][a + b]`
Exception raised on line `561` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
557| assert "b.a_list[3]" in result
559| try:
560| a, b = 3, 7
-->561| _ = [1, 2](a + b)
562| except TypeError as e:
a: 3
b: 7
a + b: 10
Object is not iterable¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 826, in test_Object_is_not_iterable
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
An iterable is an object capable of returning its members one at a time.
Python containers (`list, tuple, dict`, etc.) are iterables.
An iterable is required here.
Exception raised on line `826` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
824| def test_Object_is_not_iterable():
825| try:
-->826| list(42)
827| except TypeError as e:
list: <class list>
Object is not subscriptable¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 811, in test_Object_is_not_subscriptable
a = f[1]
TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable
Did you mean `f(1)`?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
Subscriptable objects are typically containers from which
you can retrieve item using the notation `[...]`.
Perhaps you meant to write `f(1)`.
Exception raised on line `811` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
807| def f():
808| pass
810| try:
-->811| a = f[1]
812| except TypeError as e:
f: <function f>
defined in <function test_Object_is_not_subscriptable>
Slice indices must be integers or None¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 751, in test_Slice_indices_must_be_integers_or_None
[1, 2, 3][1.0:2.0]
TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
When using a slice to extract a range of elements
from a sequence, that is something like
`[start:stop]` or `[start:stop:step]`
each of `start`, `stop`, `step` must be either an integer, `None`,
or possibly some other object having an `__index__` method.
Exception raised on line `751` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
749| def test_Slice_indices_must_be_integers_or_None():
750| try:
-->751| [1, 2, 3][1.0:2.0]
752| except TypeError as e:
Too few positional argument¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 500, in test_Too_few_positional_argument
TypeError: fn() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'b' and 'c'
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You apparently have called the function 'fn()' with
fewer positional arguments than it requires (2 missing).
Exception raised on line `500` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
496| def fn(a, b, c):
497| pass
499| try:
-->500| fn(1)
501| except TypeError as e:
fn: <function fn>
defined in <function test_Too_few_positional_argument>
Too many positional argument¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 480, in test_Too_many_positional_argument
TypeError: f() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
Perhaps you forgot `self` when defining `f`.
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You apparently have called the function `f` with
2 positional argument(s) while it requires 1
such positional argument(s).
Perhaps you forgot `self` when defining `f`.
Exception raised on line `480` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
476| def f(x):
477| pass
479| try:
-->480| A().f(1)
481| except TypeError as e:
A: <class A>
defined in <function test_type_error.test_Too_many_positional_argument>
Tuple no item assignment¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 446, in test_Tuple_no_item_assignment
a[0] = 0
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Did you mean to use a list?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
In Python, some objects are known as immutable:
once defined, their value cannot be changed.
You tried change part of such an immutable object: a `tuple`,
most likely by using an indexing operation.
Perhaps you meant to use a list instead.
Exception raised on line `446` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
443| def test_Tuple_no_item_assignment():
444| a = (1, 2, 3)
445| try:
-->446| a[0] = 0
447| except TypeError as e:
a: (1, 2, 3)
a[0]: 1
Unhachable type¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 769, in test_Unhachable_type
{[1, 2]: 1}
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
Only hashable objects can be used
as elements of `set` or keys of `dict`.
Hashable objects are objects that do not change value
once they have been created.Instead of using a `list`, consider using a `tuple`.
Exception raised on line `769` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
767| def test_Unhachable_type():
768| try:
-->769| {[1, 2]: 1}
770| except TypeError as e:
Unsupported operand types¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 325, in test_Unsupported_operand_types
a @= b
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for @=: 'str' and 'int'
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You tried to use the operator @=
using two incompatible types of objects:
a string (`str`) and an integer (`int`).
This operator is normally used only
for multiplication of matrices.
Exception raised on line `325` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
322| try:
323| a = "a"
324| b = 2
-->325| a @= b
326| except TypeError as e:
a: 'a'
b: 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 69, in test_divmod
result = divmod(a, b)
TypeError: can't take floor or mod of complex number.
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
The arguments of `divmod` must be integers (`int`) or real (`float`) numbers.
At least one of the arguments was a complex number.
Exception raised on line `69` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
66| a = 2
67| b = 3 + 2j
68| try:
-->69| result = divmod(a, b)
70| except TypeError as e:
a: 2
b: (3+2j)
divmod: <builtin function divmod>
function got multiple argument¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 996, in test_function_got_multiple_argument
fn2(0, a=1)
TypeError: fn2() got multiple values for argument 'a'
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You have specified the value of argument `a` more than once
when calling the function named `fn2`.
This function has the following arguments:
`a, b=1`
Exception raised on line `996` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
992| def fn2(a, b=1):
993| pass
995| try:
-->996| fn2(0, a=1)
997| except TypeError as e:
fn2: <function fn2>
defined in <function test_function_got_multiple_argument>
function has no len¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 919, in test_function_has_no_len
TypeError: object of type 'function' has no len()
Did you forget to call `bad`?
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
I suspect that you forgot to add parentheses to call `bad`.
You might have meant to write:
Exception raised on line `919` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
915| def bad():
916| pass
918| try:
-->919| len(bad)
920| except TypeError as e:
bad: <function bad> defined in <function test_function_has_no_len>
len: <builtin function len>
getattr attribute name must be string¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 1044, in test_getattr_attribute_name_must_be_string
getattr("__repr__", 1) # as reported in issue #77
TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
The second argument of the function `getattr()` must be a string.
Exception raised on line `1044` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
1037| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
1038| assert (
1039| "The second argument of the function `hasattr()` must be a string."
1040| in result
1041| )
1043| try:
-->1044| getattr("__repr__", 1) # as reported in issue #77
1045| except TypeError as e:
getattr: <builtin function getattr>
method got multiple argument¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 1016, in test_method_got_multiple_argument
t.some_method(0, a=1)
TypeError: some_method() got multiple values for argument 'a'
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
You have specified the value of argument `a` more than once
when calling the function named `t.some_method`.
This function has only one argument: `a`
Exception raised on line `1016` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
1012| pass
1014| t = T()
1015| try:
-->1016| t.some_method(0, a=1)
1017| except TypeError as e:
t: <T object>
defined in <function test_type_error.test_method_got_multiple_argument>
t.some_method: <bound method T.some_method>
of <T object>
defined in <function test_type_error.test_method_got_multiple_argument>
vars arg must have dict¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py", line 964, in test_vars_arg_must_have_dict
TypeError: vars() argument must have __dict__ attribute
A `TypeError` is usually caused by trying
to combine two incompatible types of objects,
by calling a function with the wrong type of object,
or by trying to do an operation not allowed on a given type of object.
The function `vars` is used to list the content of the
`__dict__` attribute of an object.
Object `f` uses `__slots__` instead of `__dict__`.
Exception raised on line `964` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_type_error.py'.
960| assert no_slots not in result
961| assert use_slots not in result
963| try:
-->964| vars(f)
965| except TypeError as e:
f: <F object>
defined in <function test_type_error.test_vars_arg_must_have_dict>
vars: <builtin function vars>
Missing both¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 65, in test_Missing_both
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 22, in outer_missing_both
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 21, in inner
spam_missing_both += 1
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'spam_missing_both' referenced before assignment
Did you forget to add either `global spam_missing_both` or
`nonlocal spam_missing_both`?
In Python, variables that are used inside a function are known as
local variables. Before they are used, they must be assigned a value.
A variable that is used before it is assigned a value is assumed to
be defined outside that function; it is known as a `global`
(or sometimes `nonlocal`) variable. You cannot assign a value to such
a global variable inside a function without first indicating to
Python that this is a global variable, otherwise you will see
an `UnboundLocalError`.
You're trying to use the name `spam_missing_both` identified by Python as being
in the local scope of a function before having assigned it a value.
The name `spam_missing_both` exists in both the global and nonlocal scope.
This can be rather confusing and is not recommended.
Depending on which variable you wanted to refer to, you needed to add either
global spam_missing_both
nonlocal spam_missing_both
as the first line inside your function.
Execution stopped on line `65` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
63| def test_Missing_both():
64| try:
-->65| outer_missing_both()
66| except UnboundLocalError as e:
global outer_missing_both: <function outer_missing_both>
Exception raised on line `21` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
20| def inner():
-->21| spam_missing_both += 1
global spam_missing_both: 1
Missing global¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 27, in test_Missing_global
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 10, in outer_missing_global
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 9, in inner
spam_missing_global += 1
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'spam_missing_global' referenced before assignment
Did you forget to add `global spam_missing_global`?
In Python, variables that are used inside a function are known as
local variables. Before they are used, they must be assigned a value.
A variable that is used before it is assigned a value is assumed to
be defined outside that function; it is known as a `global`
(or sometimes `nonlocal`) variable. You cannot assign a value to such
a global variable inside a function without first indicating to
Python that this is a global variable, otherwise you will see
an `UnboundLocalError`.
You're trying to use the name `spam_missing_global` identified by Python as being
in the local scope of a function before having assigned it a value.
The name `spam_missing_global` exists in the global scope.
Perhaps the statement
global spam_missing_global
should have been included as the first line inside your function.
Execution stopped on line `27` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
25| def test_Missing_global():
26| try:
-->27| outer_missing_global()
28| except UnboundLocalError as e:
global outer_missing_global: <function outer_missing_global>
Exception raised on line `9` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
8| def inner():
-->9| spam_missing_global += 1
global spam_missing_global: 1
Missing nonlocal¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 46, in test_Missing_nonlocal
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 16, in outer_missing_nonlocal
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 15, in inner
spam_missing_nonlocal += 1
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'spam_missing_nonlocal' referenced before assignment
Did you forget to add `nonlocal spam_missing_nonlocal`?
In Python, variables that are used inside a function are known as
local variables. Before they are used, they must be assigned a value.
A variable that is used before it is assigned a value is assumed to
be defined outside that function; it is known as a `global`
(or sometimes `nonlocal`) variable. You cannot assign a value to such
a global variable inside a function without first indicating to
Python that this is a global variable, otherwise you will see
an `UnboundLocalError`.
You're trying to use the name `spam_missing_nonlocal` identified by Python as being
in the local scope of a function before having assigned it a value.
The name `spam_missing_nonlocal` exists in the nonlocal scope.
Perhaps the statement
nonlocal spam_missing_nonlocal
should have been included as the first line inside your function.
Execution stopped on line `46` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
44| def test_Missing_nonlocal():
45| try:
-->46| outer_missing_nonlocal()
47| except UnboundLocalError as e:
global outer_missing_nonlocal: <function outer_missing_nonlocal>
Exception raised on line `15` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
14| def inner():
-->15| spam_missing_nonlocal += 1
Typo in local¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 104, in test_Typo_in_local
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 101, in test2
alpha3 += 1
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'alpha3' referenced before assignment
Did you mean `alpha1`?
In Python, variables that are used inside a function are known as
local variables. Before they are used, they must be assigned a value.
A variable that is used before it is assigned a value is assumed to
be defined outside that function; it is known as a `global`
(or sometimes `nonlocal`) variable. You cannot assign a value to such
a global variable inside a function without first indicating to
Python that this is a global variable, otherwise you will see
an `UnboundLocalError`.
Instead of writing `alpha3`, perhaps you meant one of the following:
* Local scope: `alpha1`, `alpha2`
Execution stopped on line `104` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
100| alpha2 = 1
101| alpha3 += 1
103| try:
-->104| test2()
105| except UnboundLocalError as e:
test2: <function test2> defined in <function test_Typo_in_local>
Exception raised on line `101` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
98| def test2():
99| alpha1 = 1
100| alpha2 = 1
-->101| alpha3 += 1
Using name of builtin¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 125, in test_Using_name_of_builtin
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py", line 121, in dist
max = max(points)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'max' referenced before assignment
In Python, variables that are used inside a function are known as
local variables. Before they are used, they must be assigned a value.
A variable that is used before it is assigned a value is assumed to
be defined outside that function; it is known as a `global`
(or sometimes `nonlocal`) variable. You cannot assign a value to such
a global variable inside a function without first indicating to
Python that this is a global variable, otherwise you will see
an `UnboundLocalError`.
`max` is a Python builtin function.
You have tried to assign a value to `max` inside a function
while also using its original meaning in the function.
Note that it is generally not a good idea to give a local variable
the same name as a Python builtin function (like `max`).
Execution stopped on line `125` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
122| min = min(points)
123| return max - min
124| try:
-->125| dist([])
126| except UnboundLocalError as e:
dist: <function dist> defined in <function test_Using_name_of_builtin>
Exception raised on line `121` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unbound_local_error.py'.
120| def dist(points):
-->121| max = max(points)
122| min = min(points)
max: <builtin function max>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_unknown_error.py", line 24, in test_Generic
raise UnknownException("Some informative message about an unknown exception.")
UnknownException: Some informative message about an unknown exception.
An exception of type `UnknownException` is a subclass of `Exception`.
Nothing more specific is known about `UnknownException`.
All built-in exceptions defined by Python are derived from `Exception`.
All user-defined exceptions should also be derived from this class.
Exception raised on line `24` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_unknown_error.py'.
20| result = friendly_traceback.get_output()
21| assert "UnknownException -> Exception" in result
23| try:
-->24| raise UnknownException("Some informative message about an unknown exception.")
25| except Exception as e:
global UnknownException: <class test_unknown_error.UnknownException>
Convert to int¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 194, in test_Convert_to_int
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '13a'
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
`'13a'` is an invalid argument for `int()` in base `10`.
In base `10`, `int()` is most often use to convert a string
containing the digits `0` to `9` into an integer.
The following characters are not allowed: `a`.
Exception raised on line `194` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
190| if english:
191| assert "needs to be first converted using `float()`" in result
193| try:
-->194| int('13a')
195| except ValueError as e:
int: <class int>
Could not convert to float¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 92, in test_Could_not_convert_to_float
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '42b'
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
The string `42b` cannot be converted to a `float`
as it does not represent a number.
Exception raised on line `92` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
90| def test_Could_not_convert_to_float():
91| try:
-->92| float("42b")
93| except ValueError as e:
float: <class float>
Date invalid month¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 60, in test_Date_invalid_month
d = date(2021, 13, 1)
ValueError: month must be in 1..12
Did you specify an invalid month?
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
I am guessing that you specify an invalid value for a month
in a `date` object. Valid values are integers, from 1 to 12.
Exception raised on line `60` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
57| def test_Date_invalid_month():
58| from datetime import date
59| try:
-->60| d = date(2021, 13, 1)
61| except ValueError as e:
date: <class datetime.date>
Not enough values to unpack¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 28, in test_Not_enough_values_to_unpack
a, b, c = d
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
Unpacking is a convenient way to assign a name,
to each item of an iterable.
In this instance, there are more names (3)
than the length of the iterable, a string (`str`) of length 2.
Exception raised on line `28` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
24| assert "ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)" in result
26| d = "ab"
27| try:
-->28| a, b, c = d
29| except ValueError as e:
d: 'ab'
Pow third arg cannot be zero¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 108, in test_Pow_third_arg_cannot_be_zero
pow(2, 4, a)
ValueError: pow() 3rd argument cannot be 0
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
The third argument of the function `pow()` cannot be zero.
Exception raised on line `108` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
105| def test_Pow_third_arg_cannot_be_zero():
106| a = 0
107| try:
-->108| pow(2, 4, a)
109| except ValueError as e:
a: 0
pow: <builtin function pow>
Slots conflicts with class variable¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 75, in test_Slots_conflicts_with_class_variable
class F:
ValueError: 'a' in __slots__ conflicts with class variable
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
The name `a` is used both as the name of a class variable
and as a string item in the class `__slots__`;
this is not allowed.
Exception raised on line `75` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
73| def test_Slots_conflicts_with_class_variable():
74| try:
-->75| class F:
76| __slots__ = ["a", "b"]
Too many values to unpack¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 44, in test_Too_many_values_to_unpack
a, b = c
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
Unpacking is a convenient way to assign a name,
to each item of an iterable.
In this instance, there are fewer names (2)
than the length of the iterable, a `list` of length 3.
Exception raised on line `44` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
41| def test_Too_many_values_to_unpack():
42| c = [1, 2, 3]
43| try:
-->44| a, b = c
45| except ValueError as e:
c: [1, 2, 3]
int base not in range¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 209, in test_int_base_not_in_range
int('18', base=37)
ValueError: int() base must be >= 2 and <= 36, or 0
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
The argument `base` of `int()` must be either zero
or any integer from 2 to 36.
You wrote 37 which is not allowed.
Exception raised on line `209` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
207| def test_int_base_not_in_range():
208| try:
-->209| int('18', base=37)
210| except ValueError as e:
int: <class int>
remove item not in list¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 236, in test_remove_item_not_in_list
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
You have attempted to remove `b` from the list `a_list`.
However, `a_list` does not contain `b`.
Exception raised on line `236` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
233| a_list = [1, 2, 3]
234| b = 4
235| try:
-->236| a_list.remove(b)
237| except ValueError as e:
a_list: [1, 2, 3]
b: 4
a_list.remove: <builtin method remove of list object>
time strptime incorrect format¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py", line 133, in test_time_strptime_incorrect_format
time.strptime("2020-01-01", "%d %m %Y")
ValueError: time data '2020-01-01' does not match format '%d %m %Y'
A `ValueError` indicates that a function or an operation
received an argument of the right type, but an inappropriate value.
The value you gave for the time is not in the format you specified.
Make sure to use the same separator between items
(for example, between day and month) and keep the order the same
in both the data provided and the format you specified.
The following table might be useful:
The following site might also be useful: https://www.strfti.me/
Exception raised on line `133` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_value_error.py'.
129| return
131| import time
132| try:
-->133| time.strptime("2020-01-01", "%d %m %Y")
134| except ValueError as e:
time: <module time (builtin)>
time.strptime: <builtin function strptime>
Complex division¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 180, in test_Complex_division
1 / zero
ZeroDivisionError: complex division by zero
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
You are dividing by the following term
which is equal to zero.
Exception raised on line `180` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
177| def test_Complex_division():
178| zero = 0j
179| try:
-->180| 1 / zero
181| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0j
Division by zero literal¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 229, in test_Division_by_zero_literal
1.0 / 0
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
You are dividing by zero.
Exception raised on line `229` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
225| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
226| assert "Using the modulo operator, `%`, you are dividing by zero" in result
228| try:
-->229| 1.0 / 0
230| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
Division operator¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 20, in test_Division_operator
1 / zero
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
You are dividing by the following term
which is equal to zero.
Exception raised on line `20` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
13| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
14| assert (
15| "The following mathematical expression includes a division by zero"
16| in result
17| )
19| try:
-->20| 1 / zero
21| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 100, in test_Divmod
divmod(1, zero)
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
The second argument of the `divmod()` function is zero.
Exception raised on line `100` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
97| def test_Divmod():
98| zero = 0
99| try:
-->100| divmod(1, zero)
101| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0
divmod: <builtin function divmod>
Float division¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 148, in test_Float_division
1 / zero
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
You are dividing by the following term
which is equal to zero.
Exception raised on line `148` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
145| def test_Float_division():
146| zero = 0.0
147| try:
-->148| 1 / zero
149| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0.0
Float divmod¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 164, in test_Float_divmod
divmod(1, zero)
ZeroDivisionError: float divmod()
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
The second argument of the `divmod()` function is equal to zero.
Exception raised on line `164` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
161| def test_Float_divmod():
162| zero = 0.0
163| try:
-->164| divmod(1, zero)
165| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0.0
divmod: <builtin function divmod>
Float modulo¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 132, in test_Float_modulo
1 % zero
ZeroDivisionError: float modulo
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
Using the modulo operator, `%`, you are dividing by the following term
which is equal to zero.
Exception raised on line `132` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
125| assert (
126| "The following mathematical expression includes a division by zero"
127| in result
128| )
129| assert "done using the modulo operator" in result
131| try:
-->132| 1 % zero
133| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0.0
Integer division operator¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 49, in test_Integer_division_operator
1 // zero
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
You are dividing by the following term
which is equal to zero.
Exception raised on line `49` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
42| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
43| assert (
44| "The following mathematical expression includes a division by zero"
45| in result
46| )
48| try:
-->49| 1 // zero
50| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0
Mixed operations¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 243, in test_Mixed_operations
a = divmod(8, 1 // 2)
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
The following mathematical expression includes a division by zero:
divmod(8, 1 // 2)
Exception raised on line `243` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
241| def test_Mixed_operations():
242| try:
-->243| a = divmod(8, 1 // 2)
244| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
divmod: <builtin function divmod>
1 // 2: 0
Modulo operator¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 81, in test_Modulo_operator
1 % zero
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
Using the modulo operator, `%`, you are dividing by the following term
which is equal to zero.
Exception raised on line `81` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
74| if friendly_traceback.get_lang() == "en":
75| assert (
76| "The following mathematical expression includes a division by zero"
77| in result
78| )
80| try:
-->81| 1 % zero
82| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0
Raise zero negative power¶
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py", line 196, in test_Raise_zero_negative_power
ZeroDivisionError: 0.0 cannot be raised to a negative power
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
You are attempting to raise the number 0 to a negative power
which is equivalent to dividing by zero.
Exception raised on line `196` of file 'TESTS:\runtime\test_zero_division_error.py'.
193| def test_Raise_zero_negative_power():
194| zero = 0
195| try:
-->196| zero**-1
197| except ZeroDivisionError as e:
zero: 0