
Most of the documentation was written prior to version 0.5 and needs to be updated. This work has now started for version 0.7 and we aim to have it completed before version 0.8 is available.


Perhaps you are a beginner and do not known what IndexError and DeprecationWarning mean. Here’s how Friendly can help you.

[4]: what()

An IndexError occurs when you try to get an item from a list, a tuple,
or a similar object (sequence), and use an index which does not exist;
typically, this happens because the index you give is greater than the
length of the sequence.

[5]: what(0)

DeprecationWarning indicates that some feature will not be available in
a future version.

At any time, you can change the language used and Friendly will try to provide some help in that language provided a translation exists:

[6]: set_lang('fr')

[7]: what()

Une exception IndexError se produit lorsque vous essayez d’obtenir un
élément d'une liste, d'un tuple, ou d'un objet similaire (séquence), à
l’aide d’un indice qui n’existe pas; typiquement, c’est parce que
l’indice que vous donnez est plus grand que la longueur de la séquence.

[8]: set_lang('en')