Source code for friendly_traceback.path_info


In many places, by default we exclude the files from this package,
thus restricting tracebacks to code written by the users.

If Friendly-traceback is used by some other program,
it might be desirable to exclude additional files.
import os
import sys
from typing import Set, TypeVar

import asttokens  # Only use it as a representative to find site-packages

from .ft_gettext import current_lang
from .typing_info import StrPath

EXCLUDED_FILE_PATH: Set[str] = set()
EXCLUDED_DIR_NAMES: Set[str] = set()
SITE_PACKAGES = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(asttokens.__file__), ".."))
PYTHON_LIB = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.__file__))
FRIENDLY = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TESTS = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FRIENDLY, "..", "tests"))

def exclude_file_from_traceback(full_path: StrPath) -> None:
    """Exclude a file from appearing in a traceback generated by
    Friendly-traceback.  Note that this does not apply to
    the true Python traceback obtained using "debug_tb".
    # full_path could be a pathlib.Path instance
    full_path = str(full_path)
    if full_path.startswith("<"):
    # full_path could be a relative path; see issue #81
    full_path = os.path.abspath(full_path)
    if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"{full_path} is not a valid file path; it cannot be excluded."

def exclude_directory_from_traceback(dir_name: StrPath) -> None:
    """Exclude all files found in a given directory, including sub-directories,
    from appearing in a traceback generated by Friendly.
    Note that this does not apply to the true Python traceback
    obtained using "debug_tb".
    if not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
        raise RuntimeError(f"{dir_name} is not a directory; it cannot be excluded.")
    # dir_name could be a pathlib.Path instance.
    dir_name = str(dir_name)
    # Suppose we have dir_name = "this/path" instead of "this/path/".
    # Later, when we want to exclude a directory, we get the following file path:
    # "this/path2/". If we don't append the ending "/", we would exclude
    # this file by error in is_excluded_file below.
    if dir_name[-1] != os.path.sep:
        dir_name += os.path.sep

dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

def is_excluded_file(full_path: StrPath, python_excluded: bool = True) -> bool:
    """Determines if the file belongs to the group that is excluded from tracebacks."""
    # full_path could be a pathlib.Path instance
    full_path = str(full_path)
    if full_path.startswith("<") and full_path in EXCLUDED_FILE_PATH:
        return True
    if full_path.startswith("<frozen "):
        return True

    full_path = os.path.abspath(full_path)
    for dirs in EXCLUDED_DIR_NAMES:
        if full_path.startswith(dirs):
            return True
    # Design choice: we exclude all files from the Python standard library
    # but not those that have been installed by the user if python_excluded is True.
    if (
        and not full_path.startswith(SITE_PACKAGES)
        and python_excluded
        return True
    return full_path in EXCLUDED_FILE_PATH

def include_file_in_traceback(full_path: str) -> None:
    """Reverses the effect of ``exclude_file_from_traceback()`` so that
    the file can potentially appear in later tracebacks generated
    by Friendly-traceback.

    A typical pattern might be something like::

         import some_module

         reverted = not is_excluded_file(some_module.__file__)
         if reverted:

         except Exception:
             if reverted:

    full_path = str(full_path)
    full_path = os.path.abspath(full_path)

class PathUtil:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.home = os.path.expanduser("~")

    MaybeText = TypeVar("MaybeText", str, None)

    def shorten_path(self, path: MaybeText) -> MaybeText:  # pragma: no cover
        from .config import session

        if path is None:  # can happen in some rare cases
            return path
        if path in ["<stdin>", "<string>"]:
            return path
        orig_path = path
        path = path.replace("'", "")  # We might get passed a path repr
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        path_lower = path.casefold()

        if "ipykernel" in path:
            new_path = shorten_jupyter_kernel(orig_path)
            if new_path:
                return new_path
        elif "<pyshell#" in path:
            path = "<pyshell#" + path.split("<pyshell#")[1]
        elif "<ipython-input-" in path:
            parts = path.split("<ipython")
            parts = parts[1].split("-")
            path = "[" + parts[-2] + "]"
        elif "<friendly-console:" in path:
            split_path = path.split("<friendly-console:")[1]
            if session.ipython_prompt:
                path = "[" + split_path[:-1] + "]"
                path = "<friendly-console:" + split_path
        elif path_lower.startswith(SITE_PACKAGES.casefold()):
            path = "LOCAL:" + path[len(SITE_PACKAGES) :]
        elif path_lower.startswith(PYTHON_LIB.casefold()):
            path = "PYTHON_LIB:" + path[len(PYTHON_LIB) :]
        elif path_lower.startswith(FRIENDLY.casefold()):
            path = "FRIENDLY:" + path[len(FRIENDLY) :]
        elif path_lower.startswith(TESTS.casefold()):
            path = "TESTS:" + path[len(TESTS) :]
        elif path_lower.startswith(self.home.casefold()):
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                return orig_path
            path = "HOME:" + path[len(self.home) :]
        return path

def shorten_jupyter_kernel(path: str) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
    from .source_cache import cache

    if "__main__" in sys.modules:
        main = sys.modules["__main__"]
        if "In" in dir(main):
            ipython_inputs = getattr(main, "In")
            return ""
        return ""

    lines = cache.get_source_lines(path)
    source = "".join(lines)
    source = source.strip().replace("\r", "")
    if not source:
        return ""
    found = 0
    new_path = ""
    for index, inp in enumerate(ipython_inputs):
        inp = inp.strip().replace("\r", "")
        if source == inp:
            new_path = f"[{index}]"
            found += 1
    if found > 1:
        new_path = new_path + "?"
    return new_path

path_utils = PathUtil()

[docs]def show_paths() -> None: # pragma: no cover """To avoid displaying very long file paths to the user, Friendly-traceback tries to shorten them using some easily recognized synonyms. This function shows the path synonyms currently used. """ _ = current_lang.translate print("HOME =", path_utils.home) print("LOCAL =", SITE_PACKAGES) print("PYTHON_LIB =", PYTHON_LIB) if FRIENDLY != SITE_PACKAGES: print("FRIENDLY = ", FRIENDLY) print(_("The default directory is {dirname}.").format(dirname=os.getcwd()))